1-2Tons Wood Pellet Line

1-2 Ton Wood Pelletizing Solution

2ton wood pellet line

Solution for 2Ton Per Hour Wood Pellet Line(Click to enlarge the flow chart picturer)

This is just one example of 2 ton wood pellet production line. In fact, the solution might be different even for the cases with the same output requirment.  Your budget, available space for the production, raw material size, water content...can all affect the final solution. So you are suggested to tell us your basic situation and needs, then we can work out the best solution for you!

inquire about the price and cost


Feel free to contact us if you want the "Project Products List" for 1-2ton wood pellets line or need detailed information about our pellet making solution.

GEMCO Successful 1-2Ton Wood Pellet Production Projects

Country Capacity

uk Uk →

★ 1Ton Wood Pellets Line

Bulgaria Bulgaria →

★ 1Ton Wood Pellet Production Line

Thailand Thailand →

★ 1-2Ton Wood Pellet Line

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka →

★ 1.5-2Ton Wood Pellet Line

Australia Australia →

★ 2Ton Wood Pelletizing Line

Serbia Serbia →

★ 2-3Ton Wood Pelleting Line

►1Ton Wood Pellets Line In Ukuk

Project Intro: This 1 ton per hour wood wastes pelleting system is constructed in Redruth of Cornwall UK. The main raw materials are wood wastes, wood offcuts and grass wastes.

Equipment List: wood chipper and crusher all-in-one machine, double drum drier, wood pelletizer, cooler and pellets bagging machine. (The wood chipper and crusher all-in-one can process wood chips and wood bars at the same time. This machine is small in size and can reduce initial investment.)
The pellet machine is based on gear-driven system which is more convenient to operate and much safer. The integrated machine including cooler and vibrating sifter greatly saves floor space. On top of it, the electronic scale with mimicked computer system works together with the thermo-hemming machine for weighing and sealing packages efficiently and swiftly.

wood pellet line full view

Wood Pellet Line In Full View

Soft Grass Wastes

Raw Materials: Soft Grass Wastes

Hard Wood Offcuts

Raw Materials: Hard Wood Offcuts

Materials After Crushing

Materials After Crushing

wood pellets bagging

Conveying and Bagging

wood pelleting

Wood Pellet Line Installation

Installation and Debugging

Installation and Debugging

wood pellet mill machine

Wood Pellet Mill Machine

Pellet Making Equipment

GEMCO Engineer and Our Customer


Installation and Debugging

GEMCO Engineers and Our Clients

GEMCO Engineers and Our Clients

►1Ton Wood Pellet Production Line In BulgariaBulgaria

Raw Materials: Beech.
Granulating Process: Chipping, crushing, drying, fine pulverizing, pelleting, cooling, sifting and packing.

This pellet production project is build in Gabrovo, Bulgaria. The capacity is 1 ton per hour. This is a high automatic wood pellet making line with delicate arrangement and compact design. Twice-pulverizing is good for the extruding of pellets. The connection of cooler and back-fed cyclone can largely reduce pollution.

Sawdust Wood Pelletizing Solution

Sawdust Wood Pelletizing Solution

Sawdust Wood Pellet Production

Sawdust Wood Pellet Production

►1-2Ton Wood Pellet Line in ThailandThailand

Raw Materials: Wood Shavings.
Key Pellet Making Machine: 420 Ring Die Pellet Mill

The whole pellet line include pellet mill, conveyor, cooler, sieving machine.

wood shavings

Raw Materials: Wood Shavings

Vibrating Screen

Vibrating Screen

wood pellet line thailand

Wood Shavings Pellet Line


Wood Pellets Conveying



final biomass wood pellets

Storage of Final Wood Pellets

►1.5-2Ton Wood Pellet Line In Sri LankaSri Lanka

Located In: Kandy.
Raw Material: Sawdust

This pellet manufacturing line is composed by storage bin, hammer mill, sieving machine, stove, drum dryer, pellet mill, cooler, packing scale.

Our client plan to build a complete wood pellets making line for producing fuel pellets from sawdust. Our engineers conduct on-site investigation and provide on-site construction, so that to provide the most suitable production scheme for our client.

wood pellet line

Pellet Line in Full View

wood pellet line

Wood Pellets Making Line Project

wood pellets in bag

Final Wood Pellets In Bag

►2Ton Sawdust Pelletizing Line In AustraliaAustralia

Raw Material: Wood Sawdust

The Most Popular Wood Pelleting Plant 2TPH: This wood pelletizing plant is located in Australia. This project is building in accordance with Australian. Very strict requirements on electrical appliances. The raw material is wood sawdust.

Panorama of The Complete Plant

Panorama of The Complete Sawdust Pelletizing Line

biomass sawdust pellets

Sawdust Pellets

Pellet Mill and Pellet Belt Conveyer

Pellet Mill and Pellet Belt Conveyer

Pellet Belt Conveyer and Cooler

Pellet Belt Conveyer and Cooler

Bulk Bagger

Bulk Bagger

Dryer and Fan

Dryer and Fan

Feedstock Hopper

Feedstock Hopper

Hammer Mill, Packing Scale, Bucket Elevator

Hammer Mill, Packing Scale, Bucket Elevator


►2-3Ton Wood Pelleting Line In SerbiaSerbia

Raw Material: Logs

This pellet project is located in Vlasotince, Serbia. Our client is a biomass pellets supplier. The main raw material is log.3 tons per hour capacity of whole wood pellet line, including lie splitter, chipping machine, sieving machine, stove, drum dryer, separator bin, 2 set of pellet mill(AKG-420), cooler, packing scale.

wood logs

Raw Material: Wood Logs

pellet line installation

On-site Installation

details of the pellet plant

Pellet Line Details

wood pellet line project

Wood Pellet Line Project

ring die wood pellets machine

Ring Die Wood Pellets Machine

  • We have biomass cook stove project in India. and want to put our own wood pallet plant now.
  • A good news just arrival. GEMCO will dispatch our engineers to Serbia for installation and commissioning that he was ordered the wood pellet plant with capacity 2000kg/H. This is a Turnkey plant. and also we got the LC from an Australia client about the wood pellet plant with capacity 2TPH. As you know, this is completely different requests on the Electrical system between EU and Australia.  At the same time, I want to say we are your best choice in wood pellet making industry. 

    Regarding the wood pellet plant, Before I offer the proposal, I have some questions, pls kindly note email attachment.
    Finally, attach some pictures of the existed running pellet press. Email us with freely if you have any questions.

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