Project Name: Complete Biofuel Pellet Line
Plant Location: Australia
Production Capacity: 2 ton per hour
A new biofuel pellet line in Australia recently finished construction. It is a turnkey project designed and built for manufacturing biofuel pellets from wood and biomass wastes. View to the following onsite photos about the production line. Welcome get in touch with us for detailed equipment information and latest price list. (Related Product: Solutions for 1-2 Ton/h Wood Pellet Line)
Preprocessing Equipment
Pelletizing, Cooling and Packing Equipment
Details of the Ring Die Pellet Machine
Pellets Cooling Equipment
Manfuactured Biofuel Pellets
6 Factors To Consider When Setting Up A Biomass Pellet Line
What kind of pellet line do you want? This article provides 6 tips that you should help you in starting a biomass pellet line that will make premium biofuel pellets. (Related Article: The 8 Basic Process of Wood Pellet Plant )
What materials do you want to be processed?
Knowing what materials are to be processed will determine the pelletizing system that best suits you. Materials to be processed may include;
- Different varieties of wood i.e logs, chips or sawdust. (Related Product: Acacia Wood Pellet Machine for Sale)
- Agricultural waste products.
- Leaves.
What's the size of the raw materials?
This will determine whether a crushing system will be required and if yes, what type of crusher. A crusher will be used for grinding the raw materials if they are more than 6m long and 1m wide.
Raw materials moisture content.
Knowing the moisture content of your raw materials will determine whether you'll need a dryer and what kind of dryer. Consider the following two situations;
- A moisture level of more than 40% will require a rotary dryer which will dry the raw materials with a high level of efficiency.
- A moisture level that is slightly above 15% would necessitate a dryer. The use of the sun will be efficient and cost saving for this case.
Anticipated production capacity.
Being able to know the amount of material you want to be produced, will be critical in determining the best plat for you. This is also important in the determination of biofuel pellet line price.
Complete Pellets Manufacturing Factory Layout Desgin
Read More: How to Improve the Output of Pellet Production Line?
What is your desired diameter of the pellets after processing?
Knowing this will enable you to decide on the best ring dies to get. However, you may buy ring dies of different diameters at the same time. Sending pictures of your raw materials will help your supplier to understand your needs better and advice on the best ring dies to buy.
How do you want your pellets packed?
You should avail honest and detailed information on how you want your finished product to be packed. This will help the supplier to know the best packing system to be used.
By focusing on the above tips, deciding on what biofuel pellet line to invest in shouldn't be a problem. I hope this article helped you.